Thursday, June 14, 2007


There's a fairly consistent theme to my existence for the last couple of weeks that can be summed up: knackered. Having said that I found it surprisingly easy [not to be confused with actually easy] to get to Risboro for 8am this morning. The strange amount of energy followed me through the day and so I came home this afternoon actually able to speak, smile, laugh and stand. Normally Thursday evening sees me crawl through the door and go hide in my room. It made a nice change.
Have been designing things on iWeb. I think I finally hit a breakthrough this evening on the new website [due to replace the blogspot post haste] but encountered almost immediately an infinitely more expert problem. The program is fairly simple, indeed if you just want to fill in the template it's a piece of cake, but I had some more creative dreams and ideas and only really started to progress when I gave up trying to integrate my ideas with the existing templates and just went nuts. My present challenge lies in trying to match the four colours in a photo [the quartered album style photo that sits at the top of my sidebar in fact] with a back ground colour in the program. Anyone who has any ideas or can tell me what the colours are called or where I can find said information on t'internet shall receive a boon of great worth.*
I'm going to watch a movie and go to bed. Peace Out.


Peter said...

Hi Zac, thanks for signing the guestbook, BTW the colours are Red, Green, Black, and Blue, hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

lol. i think your talking about the HTML colour codes. called hexs, goes something like #000000 is white, or black, and #ffffff is black, or white. almost always a hash and six characters, numbers and letters. anyway, this is an url for a site that has a big list of colours and their codes. i hope that helps aswell