Thursday, November 24, 2005

Meet the Posse

Just so everyone has a way of working out what the hell I'm talking about, and more to the point who I'm talking about, I thought I'd post a list of some of the crew who make/will make regular appearances on The Posse House. They don't all live in the Posse House but we'll make them honourary members anyway. I'll also put a list in the sidebar when I work out how but for now; Here's the Posse!
TOM or BadGrammarMan- Marcus my father from Western Australia.
MommaCaz- my mother Carolyn. (may change if I think of a better or more relevant name)
TheMexican- my Grandfather lives in Queensland but is originally a Victorian.
FearlessLeader and MrsFearless- Martin and Jenny our team leaders in the UK.
AtariMan- Dan, my supervisor, and his wife Danni and their boy Simeon.
Timbo- my youth work mate and partner in crime.
LeviJeans- my best mate from Tasmania.
CpnJustice- a guy called Guy, lives in Oxford.
Hero and MissKynda- Heather and Krystalyn, in that order, two Canadian girls I met in Oz.
That's probably about all you can handle and I can think of right now but I'll keep you updated with the Posse's growth. Peace Out!


Anonymous said...

Hey Heir,aka Zaca, I don't mind being "the mexican" but get it right, I'm originally from Victoria not New South Wales, have travelled through it many times but never lived there.

The Heir said...

Fixed! I thought you were a victorian but your blog said that you were from south of the Queensland border so I assumed that meant NSW... apparently not. Anyway, I don't think anybody bar family reads this thing yet so your integrity's still intact for now. A thousand apologies sen`or.

Anonymous said...

thats fun coz i know most of those people!