Friday, May 18, 2007

Impatiently Waiting

Macbook is still not here. I'm as impatient as a four year old on Christmas morning at 4am... and that was last week! Each day I think "surely it will arrive today" and each day I am surely disappointed. Oddly patience is growing the longer it takes to get here, you think it would be the other way around.
A French market has appeared on the high street in Risboro, a quick jaunt has so far yielded an awesomely spicy Spanish sausage (French market, German looking Spanish sausage.. work that out!) and some gifts for my mother and sister. If I post them now they may get there for Christmas! As I walked away I had the thought that it would be nice to get something for my adopted mother and sister as well so I think I'll head back down there in a bit to pick a couple more things up.
Day trip tomoro. I'm doing the talk. Have been avoiding this for ages and it finally caught up with me. Damnit. The last two day trips have felt v strange, or rather the last two days before-hand have as I now work for the church Thursday-Friday and so miss out on the last minute hall arse to make it all happen. Tis a disconcerting feeling despite its many benefits. The theme is A Knights Tale, which is a fantastic Heath Ledger movie featuring the brilliant Paul Bettany (The Da Vinci Code, Wimbledon) and lends itself well to a lot of fun. My research for the day involved watching it on YouTube one day at work. Which actually proved a good use of time as I got the idea for the talk from it. Now I just have to finish writing it and start practicing! O how I detest public speaking.

1 comment:

Marcus said...

I know waiting for something you're really hanging for is painful, but just be glad I didn't send it seamail! It would have taken 6 weeks!!