Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I've not long managed to get the kids to bed, they're not too difficult, at least not compared to the bloody horses I had to feed this afternoon, I swear I'm gonna shoot one of those bloody things, they're about the size of a truck and they know I'm scared of them which means they play up a treat every time I'm by myself!! This morning one of them was going skitz and I couldn't even get it's halter on to take it out to the field, I ended up opening the field gate and the stable door and then hiding while it found its own way back.

Thought my Grampa's nomination in the Bloggies Awards mite be worth a mention. As it happens, I am a third generation blogger, both my Dad and my Grampa both have blogs, the most prestigious of which, it turns out, is Grampas. Check out the awards here and drop him a vote or three (you can vote once for every email address you have ;) His blog is called Holties House and is nominated under "Best Australian or New Zealand Weblog"


Peter said...

Hi Zac, thanks for the plug on the bloggies.
Your Great Grandfather (not a blogger) would squirm if he heard any kin of his being afraid of horses, he loved them.

Anonymous said...

you wimp, they are just horses. You lead and they follow, i used to do that in my flip flops!!

enjoy the job and look after tulula.


Anonymous said...

Hi Zach! I'm back. I just checked out the photos of you with your haircut and you look a lot older and like my brothers and nephews I just visited and it scares me and I think you should come home. Love.